A single girl’s guide to Valentine’s Day

Yes that is the most pathetic title of a post that has ever been written. But it happened, so get over it and carry on reading – it gets less pathetic, I promise (hopefully).

Now that’s out of the way, this isn’t a feel sorry for yourself kind of post, where I advise you to get a tub of Ben & Jerry’s, a onesie and cry over the beauty that is The Notebook.

Well okay, it sort of is but in a much chirpier sense…

First thing you should know – I haven’t been single since I was 16 so this is all fairly new to me. Secondly, in the nine years that I have been in relationships I’ve only celebrated two Valentine’s Day-type activities.

Why? Because I was forced to do so even though I despise said day and find it extremely sickly.

But, as a newly single woman approaching the grand old age of 25, this Valentine’s Day I’m having a slight Sex and the City movie moment (you know the one – Carrie and Miranda celebrate it together because they’ve been scorned by their men and it’s Valentine overload – hearts and shit everywhere).

So, even though I have ignored this ‘holiday’ for nearly a decade, the world seems intent on feeling the love. And this is how I’ll be dealing with it:

1. Attempt to ignore it – ‘attempt’ being the operative word. Life was continuing as normal, my ignoring of V-Day was going well, until I got to work. Not the most romantic of places (immoral yes, romantic never), but I was given the task of compiling this week’s playlist and collecting my colleagues favourite love songs – oh goody. Ballads aplenty and lots of gushing about wedding songs etc.

2. Perving on Zac Efron – in all honesty this applies to most days, but on Friday myself and my fellow single friends will go to the cinema and see the (fully naked) delight that is Zac Efron, in his new film – That Awkward Moment. Feel free to have a cheeky perve ahead of Friday:


3Appreciate that life is good – my decade of relationships has taught me that a girl doesn’t need a man to be happy – they’re merely a nice little bonus. Without getting too philosophical, you really do need to love and appreciate yourself before you allow someone else in on the action – have some ‘me’ time, it’s good.

4. Make the most of the cake – now this may not apply to everyone everywhere (although I sincerely hope that it does), but at my workplace on Friday there will be Valentine’s cake. So, regardless of my lack of V-Day beliefs or love interests, I will be eating the cake. Lots of it.

Valentine's Day Guide

So, there is my guide to Valentine’s Day as a singleton – ignore it, perve on hot men, love yourself and eat cake. These simple steps are fool-proof and can be adapted to any type of nonsensical trauma. True story.

Come at me V-Day…

– love Stef x